Join WOTA in developing your leadership skills whether you are currently in a management position or you are thinking about moving to that next step of your career. Join our 8-meeting series to have purposeful, interactive conversations to build your skills and knowledge to excel in your future potential.
May 15th Communication Fundamentals for Leaders; Introduce Book: The 5 Love Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
June 19th Facilitative Discussion Book Review: The 5 Love Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace.
July 17th Performance Coaching, The Art of Giving Feedback; Introduce Book Impact Players
August 21st Facilitative Discussion: Book Review: Impact Players
September 18th Intro to Behavioral Interviewing, What to ask and how to answer; Introduce Book: The No Asshole Rule
October 16th Facilitative Discussion: Book Review: The No Asshole Rule
November 13th Performance Coaching for Improved Productivity/Performance
December 4th Self-Development creating a road map for your own success
Facilitators: Kelly Sajdak & Ginger Brath
Time: Monday 6 – 7 pm
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Format: Presentation of materials with interactive content discussion. All participants will be asked to participate in discussions, rather than a just a lecture format.
Improve your communication with others in ways they will receive information and engage the best
Provide feedback, input and areas for improvement as needed for performance improvement, performance evaluations and successful managing of others
Enhancing understanding of the numbers: productivity, measures of success, performance and how to implement changes to enhance outcomes
Learn successful ways to find the right candidate, the right job through behavioral interviewing
Develop a self competency plan and road to success
Cost: Free for WOTA Members; $175 for non-members
Attendance & CEU: Pre-registration required. CEU’s will be awarded to participants who attend the full hour. Meetings will not be recorded.
Requirement: Purchase 3 books: The 5 Love Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, Impact Players, The No Asshole Rule